I’ve been to the children’s Cardiac Network meeting this afternoon. Things are changing and the aim is to work more closely together whether you are at Alder Hey, Manchester or at a local hospital to make sure that every child gets appropriate care and support. These changes will take place whatever the new national review decides.
There’s a new website in the pipeline which will show a clear pathway for GPs and parents so everyone knows what will happen to a child with a heart problem in our area.
There are new cardiologists being appointed in Liverpool and Manchester and each job specifies that there will be shared working at the other hospital to help bring the two teams closer together. We don’t yet have a questionnaire ready for parents but it’s top of the list to do.
I asked about the recent TV interest in the surgical teams at Alder Hey. The network monitor and publish the safety figures closely and there are no concerns with the cardiac surgery section. If any parents have any worries just let me know as I can put you in touch with the cardiac team who will take time to talk to you and listen to your concerns.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) specifically interviewed the cardiac team at Alder Hey and I will let you know their report as soon as it is published.
I also raised your concerns about the new booking system at Alder Hey. This has been particularly hard hitting to the cardiac outpatient system which had been performing well before, but has improved other areas of the hospital where queues had been a problem.
Next meeting in March so let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to feed back.
Anne Flear
Children’s Heart Association