Robyn tells how The Children’s Heart Association has been important to her:
The Children’s Heart Association has helped me and my family because it gives us a sense of freedom and normality.
From being very young I learned that I was different from other children, I wasn’t able to do activities like others, and I got tired really easily, but the older I got, the more I started to notice it. Like when all of your best friends have sleepovers and keep it a secret, because their parents won’t let me stay round because of my heart. As a child you don’t understand that, and you feel so frustrated, angry and like your friends don’t care.
Then you’re not allowed to go to youth groups or clubs because you’re of heart too, you see all your friends going and it just makes you outraged, because your being stopped over something that isn’t your fault, that you have no control over. Something you don’t even want.
When we found the Children’s Heart Association, it made me feel like a normal child for once I could do things like go trampolining, or Crocky Trail, I really enjoyed going to all the events and spending time with other heart kids who understand how you feel. It was also good for my family to talk to other families about my heart conditions too.
I had had the time of my life with the Children’s Heart Association and I am extremely thankful for everything they have done for me and my family. Now that I am older, I hope I can help them to reach out to other heart children too. Robyn from Salford.