Aidan’s mum Natasha tells their story:
We joined the CHA after seeing the link on the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital cardiology webpage.
Aidan was 10 when he collapsed for the 2nd time at Primary school. He had gone into ventricular tachycardia (VT) but at the time we were unaware of this. After what felt like a lifetime, but was in actual fact only 6 months, we received Aidan’s diagnosis of CPVT (a rhythm problem). That’s the brief version ?
We contacted the CHA, were welcomed into the group and everyone has been so friendly and supportive to us. As we do not have a family support network this truly has been our lifeline.
We have made friends for life, who without words know through experience what life is like at the beginning and the vast arrange of emotions that suddenly present.
We took the plunge and attended the PGL activity weekend trip (before a diagnosis was confirmed). This was amazing for Aidan; to see him so happy and to not feel isolated. Even though he wasn’t able to do every activity he was included in some way, Lisa and Michelle were so wonderful in this. I owe so much to these 2 ladies for that trip, since investigations/diagnosis our lives now have ‘uncertainty’ although one thing that we will also be certain of is our appreciation and love for the CHA families/group. Here’s to our new start with lifelong friends