As part of our 40th year celebrations we went to Boreatton Park in Shropshire for the weekend. The centre is run by PGL and provides adventure breaks and holidays. We all arrived Friday night in time for our evening meal, checked into our log cabins and unpacked. Our coordinator from PGL was called Callum and he was a star all weekend. Thanks for the extra time you put in for us.
A camp fire in the woods was arranged for Friday 8.30pm to toast marshmallows. It had been teeming all Friday night but as soon as we were ready to go down into the woods the rain stopped, we had to use our torches as it was very dark. We all had fun singing together and toasting marshmallows. Later some of the families decided to head back to the bar where it was warmer while the families with young children turned in for the night. At the camp fire the rest of us stayed to have a drink and listen to music, thanks to Jenni and Sammy and the IPod. It was very enjoyable just socialising together.
On Saturday morning we went to breakfast and we split into groups and we started
our activities with each group doing 8 activities over the 2 days. We had a dry day, which is always a blessing when we do any event, even more so when it’s outdoor activities. After 2 morning activities we had lunch then did another 2 activities. It was lovely to hear the stories of how some of the older ones encouraged some of the younger ones on the activities. Myles encouraged Luke to try the zip wire with a magic wand – well done you were fantastic. Well done Jo for doing the zip wire, I didn’t tell you at the time but
even the instructor said he had never seen anyone so scared and he had been doing it for 3 years.
In the evening we had tea, then some of us went swimming and some adults
went to a cheese and wine event put on by PGL. Later we met at my cabin at 8.45pm to go in the woods for an easter egg hunt. Will and Ella had hidden them about 1hr 45 mins earlier with our PGL rep Callum. Thank you Will & Ella. We had our wellies on and torches lit. All the children found an egg but what nobody had thought of was that squirrels may also eat our eggs – oops – thankfully we only lost one egg, all the others were untouched. At 9pm Joanne and Jay had arranged a Family Fortunes quiz for us so we went to a social room and enjoyed that till 10.30pm. Thanks Jo & Jay.
On Sunday we had breakfast, 2 more activities and then lunch. It started overcast but dry and soon it was warm and sunny for the whole day. After we completed the last 2 remaining activities we finished our adventure with an evening meal and then it was time to leave. Thanks to everyone who came and made it a family fun weekend with great memories made to last and new friendships formed. Thanks for the fab comments, it was such a superb weekend, lots of fun had by all and with great lasting memories.
Here a just a couple of photos from the day, hopefully more to follow (meanwhile check out our Photo Gallery for pics from last year, just to give you a taste of the events we got up to!)